Find Trusted Recruiters Based on Data

Why is it important to find recruiters based on data? No-one can seem to remember the last time they purchased something blindly. That is, confirming a purchase without any prior research on the product, restaurant or holiday destination. This is how data has transformed our daily lives – it solidifies judgments and decisions we make – the what, where, when, how, but can it help with the who?
According to the Global Leadership Forecast 2018, organisations that are data-savvy have gained a competitive edge over their peers on the strength of culture, future vision, experimental mindset, and agility. Some say that HR is sitting on a data goldmine with information spanning talent attraction, progression, development and eventually attrition. With all the data points, we can make better-informed decisions on pressing HR issues such as what training to provide, where to hire, when to promote someone and how to motivate top performers.
As much as data can support us, it is neither flawless nor definitive. Historic datapoints have their limitations, especially as companies are expected to be a lot more dynamic. HR also needs to be agile. What has worked in the past may no longer be an accurate forecast of what will happen now or in the future.
Large corporations, such as Amazon, have invested heavily in its own artificial intelligence recruitment tool, only to find it was biased against women and finally decided to rescind the entire project. As HR professionals, we must not fall victim of “automation bias” – an assumption that leads us to think that a machine’s work is better than that of a human.
After all, HR’s most influential task is to bring the human touch into the organisation. Existing and potential talents alike are attracted to a company’s positive culture, its people and a shared mission. There’s no better way to share this than by a real person.
FindRecruiter embraces this human touch and combines technology to streamline the engagement with external recruiters. Using data, the recruiters’ specialties, candidate portfolio, and track records are assessed and matched with businesses’ specific hiring needs. We strive to help businesses build stronger teams faster with trusted specialist recruiters.
*This article was also published on Human Resources Online

Co-founder of - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform
Further Reading

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