Centralise your recruiter activities in one place.

January 27, 2023

Hi PeopleOps Managers,

Our team has been hard at work to elevate your experience on our platform. Today, we are proud to announce: My Recruiters

You’re right: managing a group of recruiters is tiresome

While Find Recruiter has made it easy for you to discover and collaborate with 1000+ new recruiters across the Asia, it is now even better by making all of your recruiter management easier. This is especially true if you have pre-existing recruiter relationships that you maintain offline via email, phone calls, text messages.

Effortlessly manage all of your recruiter communications in one place

We heard you, and we created My Recruiters – it lets you easily invite your recruiters and have all your activities and communications with recruiters centralised in one place, including the ones that you have pre-existing terms with.

Designed with all your concerns in mind!

Have a separate arrangement with some recruiters? Not a problem.

Recruiters that you invite will not be able to see the commission or terms of the jobs not assigned to them on the Find Recruiter platform, so you don’t need to worry about them getting confused.

Trying out a new recruiter but didn’t want to go through the hassle of signing yet another terms?

Signing terms with an agency can take up to a month! You certainly do not want all the legality to delay the growth of your business. You can now easily share your job on Find Recruiter with new recruiters. New recruiters follow Universal Find Recruiter terms so you can skip the legal hassle until the recruiters have proven their performance!

Want to hand-pick recruiters to begin your search?

You have control on who to invite to your job. You can hand-pick recruiters or use your existing relationships to begin your search for a few weeks before making it available to the wider Find Recruiter community. This is all up to you.

What if my recruiters didn’t want to share the commission with Find Recruiter?

When one of the recruiters you invited in My Recruiters make a placement, they will invoice you directly and they will be waived of all Find Recruiter service fees. My Recruiters is completely free for you and your recruiters to use.

My Recruiters is a timesaver!

We were excited to hear from our early users that this features saved them time and it helped them to keep things organised. This feature is now available for all users. Enjoy!

Invite your recruiters now

Have questions?
Email us: info@findrecruiter.com, we’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can make it better.

Ted Kuo

The tech guy behind Find Recruiter. Let's build a thriving recruitment community together.

Further Reading

Fireside chat with Andrew to reveal the myths of the recruitment industry

Last week, Findrecruiter.com hosted a fireside chat with Andrew Ladommatos, who has guided thousands of recruiters in Hong Kong and APAC on their successful career paths.
Vivian Xiang
July 21, 2022

Find Trusted Recruiters Based on Data

Why is it important to find recruiters based on data? No-one can seem to remember the last time they purchased something blindly. That is, confirming a purchase without any prior research on the product, restaurant or holiday destination. This is how data has transformed our daily lives – it solidifies judgments and decisions we make – the what, where, when, how, but can it help with the who?
Howard Sung
September 11, 2019

Looking back at 2021…

2021 was an interesting year, with new norms; we all seem to have adopted new work habits and are accustomed to some kind of chaos.
Howard Sung
December 31, 2021