Find Recruiter is now part of Cyberport!

January 27, 2023

Find Recruiter is now part of Cyberport!

As ex-recruiters, we always sought for effective ways to connect with clients – referrals, LinkedIn, cold-calling. And since the beginning of 2018, we have been striving to build a solution for recruiters to win clients easily. In the past year alone, recruiters have earned millions in commissions on Find Recruiter.

With the recent acceptance to Cyberport’s Incubation Program, we’re very excited to be adding aspiring startup’s to our line-up of employers and referring them to excellent recruiters.

If you’re interested in learning more about us and how we may supercharge your recruitment business, please feel free to reach out to us via

Howard Sung

Co-founder of - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform

Further Reading

A True Candidate-Recruiter Partnership

Good recruiters connect you with opportunities; great recruiters create them for you.Hill Li, Merec Group, has always made it his goal to partner with his candidates from start to finish.
Howard Sung
May 13, 2020

Covid-19: An open letter to all those who are affected

Losing your job during COVID-19 is scary and stressful. To help those affected get back to work asap, we’ve released Recruiter Connect, a site that matches job seekers with the right recruiters.
Ted Kuo
April 17, 2020

The No.1 Tip to Land You a Job During COVID-19

The truth is, recruitment is a numbers game and there are now more job seekers than there are jobs. So unlike 3 months ago, your odds of finding a job simply by mass sending your CV directly through job boards like everyone else just isn’t an effective strategy.
Lawton Lai
April 24, 2020