Dealing with 300 Uber Drivers before Taking a Ride?!

January 27, 2023

Recently, I sat down with a friend/client over coffee to discuss HR and hiring strategies. Given my background with FindRecruiter, the conversation led to the use of recruitment agencies.

“So Howard, it’d be great if you get all 300 of your recruiters on your platform to help me search for this position” he blatantly stated as he takes a sip in his caramel latte.

Avoiding to sound rude, I knew I had to say it, “the platform would be a failure if I had to get 300 recruiters to work on your job.” I continued with my Americano in one hand, “you wouldn’t take 300 Uber rides to get from Point A to Point B, right?”

“In fact, I’ll get you the top 3 recruiters.” That’s when his eyes lit up as he starts to understand.

Hiring with a recruiter is supposed to be like taking Uber – easy, comfortable, and quick. If you knew you’d had to spend more effort dealing with 300 drivers, you’d probably rather jam yourself into a crowded MTR. Yet, some employers still opt to deal with more agencies and not less.

Number of recruiters vs. Interest level

Competition is good as long as it’s a healthy one so overusing too many agencies will diminish the interests of recruiters thus the quality of their work. The worst-case scenario is good recruiters being demotivated and bad recruiters spamming your inbox with sub-par profiles.

Recruitment is a game where there’s only 1 winner – the recruiter who finds the right candidate. You need your recruiters to know that they all have a good chance to win.

“So how many recruiters should I use?”

“2 -3, that’s the golden range.”

Because you’re only going to choose 2 – 3 recruiters, you must be diligent in selecting the best recruiters because they aren’t all the same. How do you choose better recruiters? Read more here.

Howard Sung

Co-founder of - Intelligent Recruiter Matching Platform

Further Reading

Find Trusted Recruiters Based on Data

Why is it important to find recruiters based on data? No-one can seem to remember the last time they purchased something blindly. That is, confirming a purchase without any prior research on the product, restaurant or holiday destination. This is how data has transformed our daily lives – it solidifies judgments and decisions we make – the what, where, when, how, but can it help with the who?
Howard Sung
September 11, 2019

Covid-19: An open letter to all those who are affected

Losing your job during COVID-19 is scary and stressful. To help those affected get back to work asap, we’ve released Recruiter Connect, a site that matches job seekers with the right recruiters.
Ted Kuo
April 17, 2020

Find Recruiter receives its first-ever funding from WNJ

Find Recruiter is extremely excited to announce an official partnership with WNJ Ventures. For the past 3 years, Find Recruiter has been a bootstrapped venture with the mission to streamline the recruitment processes for companies via their collaborative platform between employers and specialist recruiters.
Howard Sung
September 13, 2021